Discover Your Potential

Do you have the subtle feeling there is more to life, but aren’t sure where to start? If so, this is the place for you.

  • Our Mission. Encourage you to find and fulfill your purpose by developing a Christ-centered approach to Life, Leadership and Resilience. 

We believe that victory is closer than you realize…but you’ll need to take the next step on your journey.

Who We Are

Michael and Rick first met in 2008.  They remain close friends, and  share a passion for life and faith in Jesus Christ.





In life, we are forged in the valley and tested on the mountain-top

Evolution of Endure

Early on, Michael recognized the significance of both hard, physical efforts and fellowship. In 2009, he started Endure as a way to connect his friends scattered across the country. 

Over the course of a decade, and through the grind of life, he learned first-hand the dangers of becoming isolated. Through this, he realized that we were not created to walk our path alone.

In 2022, he launched Endure Ministries as a way to equip the body of believers. Then in 2023, he developed the Endure Training Center as a more specific way to intertwine his passion and pursuit of faith, community, leadership and physical endeavors. 

The ETC serves as a means to invest in both the practical and spiritual needs of the community…online, local, regional, and global.

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